Saturday, August 20, 2011
Anti-Corruption Agreement Signed Between CBP and DHS Inspector General
On Aug. 16, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General entered into an agreement to send CBP investigative personnel to the DHS inspector general to coordinate efforts to detect and deter corruption within the workplace.
CBP plans to immediately detail its internal affairs agents to the DHS Office of Inspector General investigative field offices to take part in new and ongoing investigations into alleged corruption and serious misconduct involving CBP employees. In addition, the investigators are tasked with improving the exchange of integrity-related information, data and analysis between agencies.
"We welcome partnerships and innovation in our ongoing efforts to ensure the highest standards of integrity within the CBP," said CBP Commissioner Alan D. Bersin. "We owe it to the American people and to our highly ethical employees to quickly and thoroughly investigate indications of misconduct, which this agreement will help us accomplish."
This recent measure builds upon a December 2010 agreement between CBP and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The agreement details CBP internal affairs agents to the ICE Office of Professional Responsibility to collaborate on investigations of alleged misconduct on the behalf of CBP employees that had been declined by the inspector general.
Bersin indicated that this agreement will facilitate more aggressive investigative actions and increase the ability to resolve unfounded allegations much quicker.